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Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2014

Happy Natural Weekend With COFFEE

Ini adalah tugas pasca liburan semester 2,yang saya kerjakan bersama 2 orang teman saya,yakni Sherly Indriana X Mipa-H dan Saarah Khairunnisa X Mipa-G. Weekend Bersama COFFEE Weekend merupakan salah satu hal yang ditunggu tunggu oleh banyak orang. Banyak hal menyenangkan yang dapat kita lakukan saat weekend, mulai dari tour ke luar kota, shopping bersama sahabat, atau kita juga dapat melakukan wisata kuliner. Namun, bagi sebagian orang, terutama bagi kami para pelajar yang tinggal di asrama, mengisi weekend dengan hal-hal tersebut kurang memungkinkan, mengingat keadaan ekonomi dan sarana yang  kami punya sangatlah terbatas. Oleh karena itu, kami sebisa mungkin mengisi weekend dengan kegiatan yang tak banyak mengeluarkan biaya dan tentunya menghasilkan manfaat. Salah satunya adalah dengan  belajar bahasa inggris. Bahasa inggris sering disebut-sebut sebagai universal language atau bahasa dunia. Hal tersebut dikarenakan penduduk di seluruh dunia menggunakan bahas...

COFEE ( Community Of Fun Easy English)

Last Time,21 until 22 of June 2014,We Join Us with Cofee Can Samarinda 2014.In there we were camping,Fun game,Outbond and then Competition Of English..There is BOB ( Battle Of Brain ),Spelling Bee,and last Story Telling.. Did you Know,I win in there,not the first but in all competition i followed that and be the runner up..:) it's not problem,I very like that and love it.I and my friends,Sherly's and sarah's meet new friend from other school,they are Agung,Rico or Sam,yaps,mmm Fitri,Chika,Prisa,Kak Mufi,Aulia,and last Yudha..Miss you guys :* oh yupsi in there we meet Mr.John,he is tourist not he is WNI but not Nattive,He is teacher in Junior High School Bunga bangsa. In there we studied english together,We spoke english in area,So,maybe it's small difficult,but if you could you expos your talent,trust me you get it,because english not difficult just relative guys.. Last moment,give me a moral value,the togetherneess,the laughter,and the Jayus..hahaha :D this is m...

buat referensi aje yee.. :D


bagus kok :)

12 Juni 2014,tadi abis nntn ini neh.. An elderly woman narrates and tells the story of Maleficent, a young and very powerful fairy living in the Moors, a magical realm bordering a human kingdom. As a young girl she meets a human peasant boy named Stefan. As they grow older they begin to fall in love. However, Stefan's wishes take him away to the castle, and his love for Maleficent is overshadowed by his ambition to become king. They begin to drift apart until Stefan stops coming to see her on the border between the two kingdoms. After Maleficent defeats the king in battle, the king becomes fatally ill and offers his crown to whoever kills Maleficent. Stefan visits her at night, drugs her, and burns off her wings with iron (a lethal substance to fairies) and presents them to the king as proof she was slain. Maleficent awakens, and heartbroken by Stefan's betrayal and the loss of her wings, she names herself queen of the Moors, which becomes a dark and oppressive kingdom. M...

jatuh cinta sama Oppa Yong Hwa handsome banget,bertalenta deh hehehe saraghae Oppa :*

manisnya nah senyumnya..ahhhh sayang Oppa :* :* Suka banget..ahhhhh Saranghae pinter buat lagu,pinter ngerajut,bisa 3 bahasa lagi..Mau mati aku..Oppaaa.... Ini episode pertamanya,waktu Oppa lagi di pulau Jeju..Sumpah Stay cool banget..Ah gk bs berhenti mikirin Oppa,Mau gila rasanya..hahahaha :D alay