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12 Juni 2014,tadi abis nntn ini neh..

An elderly woman narrates and tells the story of Maleficent, a young and very powerful fairy living in the Moors, a magical realm bordering a human kingdom. As a young girl she meets a human peasant boy named Stefan. As they grow older they begin to fall in love. However, Stefan's wishes take him away to the castle, and his love for Maleficent is overshadowed by his ambition to become king. They begin to drift apart until Stefan stops coming to see her on the border between the two kingdoms. After Maleficent defeats the king in battle, the king becomes fatally ill and offers his crown to whoever kills Maleficent. Stefan visits her at night, drugs her, and burns off her wings with iron (a lethal substance to fairies) and presents them to the king as proof she was slain. Maleficent awakens, and heartbroken by Stefan's betrayal and the loss of her wings, she names herself queen of the Moors, which becomes a dark and oppressive kingdom. Maleficent saves the life of a raven named Diaval by turning him into a human. He swears to serve her for life as her one companion and confidant, constantly being shape-shifted from man to bird and other animals as she needs him.
Some time later, Maleficent sends Diaval to the castle to update their status, to which he returns to inform her that the king (now married to the former king's daughter Leila) has had a baby girl named Aurora. As revenge for Stefan's betrayal, Maleficent arrives uninvited and curses the baby with a sleeping curse to take effect on her sixteenth birthday after pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel. However, in an act of mercy and irony, she gives the curse an antidote in true love's kiss, which she believes does not exist. Stefan, paranoid of Maleficent and her vengeance against him, orders all the spinning wheels in the kingdom to be burned and locked away, and he sends Aurora off to live with three pixies hidden deep in the woods until the day after her sixteenth birthday.
Despite her initial dislike for Aurora, Maleficent begins caring for her from afar when the neglectful pixies fail to care for her. When Aurora is 15, she finally comes in contact with Maleficent, believing her to be her "fairy godmother" as she recalled being watched over by her all her life. Maleficent allows Aurora to spend more time in the faerie kingdom. Realizing she has grown fond of the princess, Maleficent attempts to revoke the curse, but fails to do so as she made it so that it could not be changed by any power, not even her own. When Aurora meets Prince Phillip, the two are immediately attracted to one another. He tells her he is on his way to King Stefan's castle, but promises to return to see her. On the day before her sixteenth birthday, Aurora expresses her wish to live with Maleficent in her kingdom, which Maleficent allows in the hope that doing so will prevent the curse. However, the pixies let slip truth about Aurora's parentage and Maleficent's curse. Heartbroken by the truth, Aurora runs from Maleficent and the pixies back to her father.
Stefan locks Aurora away for safe keeping after a quick and heartless reunion. However, the curse takes hold, drawing Aurora to a spinning wheel (magically assembled by her curse) in the dungeon and hypnotizing her to touch it. Having failed to protect the princess, Maleficent sneaks into the castle with Phillip, hoping his brief meeting with Aurora in the woods will be enough to break the curse. Phillip's kiss fails, however, and Maleficent apologizes to the princess, swearing no harm will come to her while she sleeps, and kisses her forehead. Aurora awakens, as Maleficent's "true love" for Aurora is that of a mother to her daughter, and reaffirms her wish to live with her in the faerie kingdom. As they attempt to flee the castle, Maleficent is captured by an iron net that falls from the ceiling from an ambush of angry guards. The guards and Stefan, in iron armor and using iron weapons, beat and torture a disoriented Maleficent. Using her last power, Maleficent transforms Diaval into a dragon and while they initially hold the upper ground, they soon begin to lose as the guards restrain Diaval. Maleficent is nearly killed before Aurora frees Maleficent's stolen wings from their glass case. With her wings restored, Maleficent overpowers Stefan and he eventually falls to his death. Aurora is later named queen of both the humans and faeries by Maleficent, forever unifying the two kingdoms, with Phillip at her side. The narrator then reveals her identity as Aurora, affirming that the kingdoms had been united not by a hero or a villain, but by someone who was both — Maleficent.


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